• International Wildlife Consultants Specialising in Green Solutions
  • Fox Falcons - Breeding & Stud Supplying the Royal Families of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain for 23 years
  • Conservation, Research and Welfare IWC (UK) Ltd is committed to a number of conservation research projects
  • Falconry Heritage Working with UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage programme

Welcome to International Wildlife Consultants Ltd.

IWC was incorporated in 2006 from a family-run business dating back to 1983. It is an umbrella company covering a range of activities:

  • Undertaking short and long-term consultancies with international clients on conservation, animal welfare, legal issues, event management and heritage, mainly focussed on Birds of Prey.
  • Organising events such as the International Festival of Falconry and the British Falcon Races at Vowley.

IWC Ltd group:

Breeds domestic falcons for racing and hunting in the Middle East.

Produces robotic birds for falcon training,  pest control and hunt racing.

Our new Falcon racing facility in England, devoted to the world class training and racing of falcons.

Our Mission Statement

We support the wise and sustainable use of wildlife and habitats. To this end the long-term well-being of habitats and wildlife populations are our first priority, followed by the welfare of individual animals. To achieve these aims we undertake front-line field research, hands-on management of habitats and wildlife, education of biologists, managers, end-users and the public, and consultancies on wildlife law and regulation.

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